Author Topic: New Portal Page  (Read 1223 times)

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Offline Jay

New Portal Page
« on: December 02, 2014, 10:58:45 PM »
Now our domain redirects to the front portal page of the forum. 

The portal page, where the chatbox, polls, recent posts, etc. are listed, will act as the main page.  Some new features include Articles, which will allow every poster here essentially be a writer for the site.

For example, when people start posting news bits, it can be posted on the portal as an article by a mod or admin.  (There's a button at the top right of each topic). 

There's also a "Like" feature added to the bottom of each post.  You can't like your own posts, however.

And the Media page will now run straight through the forum threads, as opposed to a pop up window, then a link to the thread where the download is located.  This will help keep the page updated easily, and it gives a central page where you can find the show you want easily.

My plan is to go through the tour archive from 1997 - present and link it to threads if that show bootleg exists, which will end the Media page altogether. 

As always suggestions and criticisms are welcomed.  Thanks for being a part of the best HIM community!

P.S. - Apologies for the amateur bullshit with the domain late last week.  Thanks to Len666 for the heads up.